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Lydia Bishop grew up in  the Pittsburgh, PA.  Her favorite pass time was using her Crayola crayon box. It was and still is all about the colors.  Painting began with a gift set of oil paints at 16.  Art has always been an essential part of her life.  Self education through reading, museums, art shows, occasional courses and workshops provided a foundation for making art.

She has lived in Minnesota, Wisconsin and finally Georgia, where, after raising a family and pursuing two careers, she is finally able to paint full time.  Acrylic paint has become the medium of choice because of the immediacy and versatility.

Acrylic/mixed media projects led to a fascination with encaustic, an ancient process of using bee's wax to create art.  

Inspired by the marshes and wild life all around, and intrigued by the visualization of ideas, her paintings often start with a color, idea, word or song.  Painting is a process that starts with a concept and takes you wherever your imagination leads you.  

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